Thursday, July 12, 2018

Free From Dusk

                                                                         Free From Dusk
Image result for philippine independence day

   "There's no greater service to the country than the defense of it's freedom". A quote from Barry Goldwater where I could relate about the sacrifice of our heroes in the Philippines just to conquer back the freedom of our homeland from those hands of merciless and and abusive countries. Through this event of victory, Philippine Independence Day began to be a prominent holiday on our motherland.

   People always ask these days, why is there a need to celebrate Independence day? June 12, 1898, the proclamation of our independence in the Philippines. It was then an annual celebration in our country. These occasion exist for some reasons and most importantly is to reminisced the tragic events in the past  and to commemorate Her freedom.

   Another one, it makes us remember the bravery of our heroes back then to fight for our homeland. It is also to give recognition to them. There is Dr. Jose Rizal, our national hero, who wrote Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo to be able for our ancestors to wake up and see the reality during their time for a so long years of blindness. There is also Andres Bonifacio, the leader of Katipunan, Togethjer with Emilio Jacinto, Restituto Gavier, Guillermo Manangkay, Aurelio Tolentino, Faustino Manalak, General Paulino Butaya, Pedro Zabala and few other katipuneros. Mentioning them may at least inspire us also from their heroic efforts to save Philippines.

   Another reason is that, it is also the day when our flag was formally unfolded during the Proclamation of Philippine Independence by President Emilio Aguinaldo. Where our flag was sewn by the three great women namely Marcela Marino del Agoncillo, Lorenza Agoncillo and Delfina Herbosa de Natividad.

     It's now on the 21st century. After hundreds of years, these memories of the past is still alive. Other People or country may not know the occasion of ours but we Filipinos must treasure and respect our independence. and of course, continue loving Philippines, our homeland.



  1. Well said! It's very informative! Keep on sharing your thoughts and continue making fruitful contents!

  2. What a catchy title Cheena and it's very informative. Keep on doing great!


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