Friday, March 8, 2019



          We came to an end of the school year and I think I have made the best I can to reach this period. After three quarters the fourth and last is indeed a good ending for this Grade 10 ICT. I know this year I have earned more knowledge to share and apply. And this grading will complete all.

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          Sometimes the discussion is so fast but I manage to understand it with the help of my expert classmates. Our lesson is all about Photoshop. We were able to do it before during grade 8 days and our teacher before is really good at it. But I do not know how it happened that I could only remember few things. This grading I’m refreshed with our past studies in grade 8 but it I again hard to follow some of the steps. A lot of problems are encountered of course. I would ask my classmate to demonstrate how to do this and that until such time that I can already do it on my own. I can’t follow some of the steps because there were so many tools and selections involve on it so that’s why it happened that there are times I’m thinking of giving up with this Photoshop.

           Although it is hard for me but easy for others, I have learned some things again. Again because what I’ve known before is still the things I learned right now. Adjusting sizes, resolution, layers, adding text, making backgrounds, applying tools like lasso tool, marquee tools to crop images on desired spots. Also I’ve experienced again to use the eraser too, duplicating layers, adding layers and a lot more.

Image result for photoshop          It is fun to use but just hard to follow sometimes. It tested my creativity and patience to work on it. It gave me headaches and struggles. But it is worth it at least I know how to do something in Photoshop. I apply it in home in making project and I swear it is still hard for me but I have the help of my classmate. I couldn’t do it in the school especially in our station because of some PC problems so I have to do it at home.

          It is not just the Photoshop that we have this grading. Blogs are still there and this I am writing right now is the last. But maybe I can also visit my blog sometimes after grade 10. I will apply the things I’ve learned in Grade 10 ICT and share them. Posting blogs is also fun. I may not got improvements with computer skills but I got the lessons.




My Dream, My Future
(put your dreams into reality)

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It is free. You can make it bigger if you can. Dreaming isn’t bad. Dreaming is timeless. And could it be that your dreams will be your bright future?

Related imageDreaming is free. I believe in that but it is up on the holder of that wonderful dream to make it happen. How is that? Have patience, hard-work, willing to learn from experiences with a twist of mistakes and making good things better or the best. For me these are the things I must do in my list to reach that dream. I forgot to tell you first, actually I do not have yet the final decision but I have the choice to be an accountant someday. Yes, I like office works and to explore the world of business and banks. If possible, I wanted to be a CPA (Certified Public Accountant). And to have this, I should study and work hard for this goal. This is only one of my dreams. 

Image result for travelAnother is to be married at my dream wedding venue if possible is beach wedding. Next is to have that happy family of my own if God will allow me to have. Have a family of 5 to 6 members. My children would be mix meaning there must be a girl and a boy. And of course we’ll first plan with my husband our dream house. Then we’ll go tours as family.

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I would also want to have a business someday so that my years after retirement won’t be boring. I would put up a restaurant or a coffee shop with monthly theme. Or instead of having business is to travel. I would have my family with me so that it would also be a way of having quality time with them especially the kids. There were a lot of dreams I can’t already remember but I think they will also come to me someday.

Future can be predicted but with your dreams the probability of having that dreamed future can be a hundred percent. If only you’ll open your eyes and start your way to reach it with yourself. Never be afraid of facing challenges because they are the ones giving you strength and lessons in life. Never stop walking or else you’ll get stuck with a thing that will cause changes with your plans. Focus on your dreams because they will lead you to your desired future life. 


High school Day Celebration

One Hundred and Seventeen

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A century, a decade and seven years of existence. Whether how old it is, our Alma Mater will never be forgotten.  It will remain and still continue to help young dreamers.

Annually, Ilocos Sur National High School celebrates its foundation day during the month of March. The celebration comprises activities to be done in days. There is of course the search for Mr. and Ms. ISNHS every year. A royal coronation will be hold sooner after recognizing the members of the royalty. And of course, the part of the whole ISNHS is that by a field demonstration. Per grade level (now from grades 7 to 12) will perform a type of dance or a form of art that will amaze the audience and judges. They have designated props to use which is related to their dance. It is not just all about performing but also a competition. They will compete to bag the prize of being the Best Performer and it is also by grade level. In each level boys and girls are separated and have different type of performances. Teachers are also as talented as students. They can’t lose because they also prepare for the event. They are included in the program also to present a dance intermission. But then don’t ever make fun of them because sometimes they are the most enjoyable ones to perform.

These were the ones I discovered and experienced during my stay in ISNHS. I admit that sometimes I do not like the events but for maybe an ample amount only, I also enjoy it. For others it may be a significant event but again, for some it is just an ordinary happening to make fun of.

From just a normal school in local province into a national school, ISNHS became big and famous. Thanks to the late Congressman Floro Crisologo. He elevated this school and from 10 students, now it accommodates thousands of learners.

Yes it is a significant event. High School day maybe boring sometimes but the activities doesn’t define the whole happening. Not just a coronation and field demo but also realizing how this school made the dreamer before into a real one now. How did it came to exist and still present up to this time? Maybe it is because we love this school. We love its presence. We love our Alma Mater.


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Kannawidan: A part of us

     Kannawidan is an annual festivity conducted during the month of February in our province Ilocos Sur. it is an occasion that showcases culture, products,  fashion and talents of Ilocanos among the different towns of Ilocos Sur. Last year (2018), we just celebrated Kannawidan Bicentennial because it hass been 200 yearsn since we started celebrating this event.
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Related image     Kannawidan is one of the most awaited events in the province besides those of other festivals in towns. there are events that have been done every year and they are as follows: beach volleyball, mass, procession, boodle fight, exhibits, education day, miss saniata, siglat iskwela awards, agricultural contests, float parade, training, zarzuela, quizzes and other competitions, traditional games, street dancing, and showdown and other special events. Different artists are also  invited to be the hosts, guests and bands to sing or dance or to have mini concerts  enjoyed by viewers. There's food court to visit and be captivated with different Ilocano products such as suka, balikutya, abel, damili, wooden furnitures, empanada, bagmet bibingka and other delicacies.
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 Kannawidan is opened for fun and some objectives making tourists to be engaged and join us also in the celebration. It is just another tradition by Ilocanos in which they are proud of. without celebrating and attending activities, our year will not be completed.


Saturday, February 2, 2019

Beautiful Change

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Change is coming! They all said. But is there any new? Any changes or transformations either? Maybe there is but it isn’t enough.

It’s almost two decades since I first exist in this planet. I belong to the most popular group of this generation called "Millennial". New or even unsolved issues where brought up again by us they say. They hate us because of teenage pregnancy, pornography drugs and so much more. But I am not that kind of them. I am only a member of the group but still I’m not in favor to all these things some others do. A hypothesis or better if tested that these were cause by lack of discipline. But ten it’s not only lack of discipline there are also a lot of external factors to consider. We need to change it but get up and fix yourself first.

                I am not perfect to say I’ve done so many good deeds. Indeed we all have flaws and imperfections. Change starts with me. It doesn’t mean to change yourself instead it says that you only have to improve. Remove the bad deeds and replace it with better ones. I’ll make it general this time because it does not mean that I, who is talking in this blog, is the only one who will start change by ourselves. I must include all of us here since it is universal.
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                If we change we must change for the better. Be more responsible with your actions and stand on it. Be more disciplined in all that matters. Be a good leader and also a good follower. Do not rush things so fast instead do it gently and nice. Be kind to everyone and also be honest always. Study hard and be patient so that you’ll succeed someday and you’ll serve you country to be more productive. Do not be so selfish. Ask the guide of God in all you do so that it wouldn’t be a failure. Do not be afraid of facing problems. Be strong and bold. Respect others and be united. Live your life with no lies. No racial discrimination because no one is different. Think positive and just go on. Use your time wisely and spend it meaningfully. Do not abuse things specially nature. You must also love and care for others.

 Live this kind of life with happiness and the change you desire or humanity wishes will come. I myself will try to keep these thoughts I’ll share to you. So that together, we will start the change. A beautiful change it is and it is waiting.


Blank Spot(There isn’t but there is.)Image result for fireworks anime


                We entered the year of 2019 leaving those past events behind. Leaving all the things we’ve done during year 2018 neither how good nor bad they are. And yet, there are again new plans for this year. But where will you begin? Or maybe I should ask first myself where to start? Do I have to make a new me rather?

                Well first of all, I’m Cheena Marie Asistin from Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines. I’m 16, turning 17 August this year. And yes I’m still single. I’m still in junior high, 10th grade anyway. So I think that’s my introductory statements about myself. And this time we’ll have to know more about myself.

                I think I am normally delivered by my mother but lately I’m being crazy. Yes that’s right and my classmates are my witness. I am also shocked with myself because it is new to me. I like it sometimes but it’s not funny for them often. I do laugh at things which are not so funny for them. So they say that I’m weird but it’s not so let us go to the serious me. WARNING: No contradictions. I’m not pretty, shy but strong. I do serious things when I think it’s a must. I wanted to succeed someday that’s why I’m studying hard but today I could feel the tiredness in my body. Still I have to get up and be patient. I’m still UNDECIDED on what I really want for Senior High School. And that’s a problem. To the kind me, (YES I have this side) I usually help my classmates whenever they have problems or whenever they reach me out and ask something. Before when I was in elementary, I used to be in a serious mode almost all of the time but it changed. I do change a lot when I entered high school and a lot of things happened. I became jollier and I hang out with friends more often but only in schools. Not much outside the campus except for the days of practices. I like all the transformations during the past years. I don’t do resolutions because I don’t think I could meet them up.

               Honestly, I don’t like the idea of having a new me because I might go through some problems if it happened so my decision is to be THIS. ME. No new me. I like it this way much more than before and I do not want to be lost again and to lose anything that I already have. Nothing to change but I do have a wish for myself this 2019. And that is to be more responsible.
                       There’s nothing to change but there’s only a wish


Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Another grading had come to an end. This is the third grading period of ICT 10. Well, it was well spent during the previous days though there were a lot of exercises and activities. We were still on HTML tags but this time it is more enjoyable. We’ve learned about the tags for adding image, background image, font colors, font faces font size and a lot more. Also we didn’t stop posting blogs on our accounts about different themes. Still it is quite hard to think of sentences that would complete the essence of each article.

Image result for html tagsImage result for html tags    Image result for html tags            During this quarter, struggles and errors are always present. On the HTML activities, there’s the time that the tags wouldn’t work or we’ve missed something on the tags that’s why the outcome is not good. It really is a bit sensitive. We need patience to come up with a good one. We needed to be careful with each tag and rechecking is always a must. On the other hand, posting blogs is already easier for me. It is also fun and interesting though I don’t have the mood sometimes to do it.

                I know that what we are doing today isn’t useless. Maybe at some point it could also help us in our studies in the next years. Moreover, all that I’ve learned will be shared and will remain. I will also teach my siblings whenever they have the same task as we have been through. And  I think this would be the end of my reflection.


Reflection THE FINALE           W e came to an end of the school year and I think I have made the best I can to reach this p...