Saturday, October 20, 2018

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                Time runs so fast that I didn’t even noticed that it’s already the end of our half school year. New knowledge were made and new trials were faced. The main focus of this second grading is on about internet access and html documents. I am a bit confused on what are these at first but then I've learned about it's essence especially in this modern generation. This internet access allows us to have a faster and quicker connection in the internet, for easier browsing and gaining of information. there were also different HTML elements  such as html tags. HTML is the acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a form of programming language that is used to make web pages on the internet viewable. So it can be said that it is because of HTML that web pages are interesting to look at, but the importance of HTML is often taken for granted. HTML also allows the use of templates, which makes designing a web page easy. There are advantages and also advantages of this but never the less they have role to do in this modern world.

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Writing an HTML document is just encoding an article but it needs careful handling. For me, its easy at some point its hard especially if you have done wrong to your document so you need to recheck the proper tags to be used. It is an enjoyable activity that for sure you'll like.

Image result for HTMLMoving on, I will not be selfish with what I've learned throughout this grading. I will also share it to my friends and also my fellows for them also to learn. I will use them for life motivation and development. And application of this maybe also a good step for an improvement.



Human right to live and exist , the right to quality, equality to opportunity in employment, the right of freedom of speech and expressing yourself. These rights and freedoms are the main foundation of democracy knowing that we are in a democratic country. Obviously, in a democracy the maximum number of freedoms and rights are enjoyed by people. Besides, all of these are political rights which include the right to participate on election and vote freely for a candidate of one’s choice.

For us, human rights are essential to individuals because we find freedom here, justice and a balance living for everyone. From the word the word “right”, it sounds to be like our opportunities, our benefits in this community. But sometimes, knowing of this, there are a lot of individuals suffering from being abused. Our responsibility is also to know our human rights so that you can fight on your own. Mostly, having a lot of human rights are the women, poor and children because they’re the one who’s weaker. Having these rights are in the law, and it should be mandated to everyone. And further, as one with other nations, we need to empower each minds to fight for it and be free.
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The human rights can best be preserved and protected in a society steeped in morality and discipline. Freedom is buried on mutual respect for each other’s rights. Because knowing the rights of each other, there will be an understandable statement on both sides. A fine balance is to be maintained between the two or three will be anarchy.



Teacher Thank You Card - product images
There were doctors, nurses, engineers, architects, astronauts, accountants, botanists and other professions. But then, how did they arrive in that particular field? Is it just because of persistence or because of some heroes?

                Annually, Philippines and entire the world together we celebrate Teachers’ Month. Here in our country for 2018, it started on September 5 (Wednesday) and we celebrated the world teachers’ day on October 5. The question of some of us is that, why do we celebrate Teachers’ Day?

                 Well in line with this is this year’s National Teachers Month Celebration Theme: Gurong Pilipino: Turo mo, Kinabukasan ko. It is indeed a great day for teachers to receive gifts and be remembered by their students. This is the time where we, their students, will show thanks to our heroes and mentors for being passionate in their career. And for always imparting their knowledge to us to learn every single day. We give thanks to them for sharing their precious time in molding us to be better. Even though they neglect some of their household chores but just because of their love and patience in teaching, they’ll share to us their time. Even just a simple letter will do to make them smile. Even by just saying “thank you” will make them happy. And even a simple kiss on their cheek or hugs could ease their long tiring days. Even though they 
Image result for A TEACHER AND A STUDENT CLIPARTshout in the class and talk too much, but they had a purpose on doing that. And it is to discipline us and have a brighter living in the future. Yes, they’re just like our parents. Second parents indeed and we truly owe them a lot.

                 Simple ways can do. We appreciate their effort; they treasure what we give to them. And being a simple student willing to learn every day and have that determination is enough tribute to them. Sacrifices were made for us to gain knowledge so better make the most of our time to reach a higher level of personality.


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WAVEFRONT: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements
        Different advancements had risen due to high technology. Machineries, gadgets, electric devices and scientific tools were already known worldwide. But as we further encounter them, we’ve been abusive. Philippines is in need of some help for progress because we’re still on the list of developing countries entire the world. So then, what could we do and give as a contribution?

Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements is this year’s science month theme It states that we all have the power to enhance our lives by means of creativity and technology. Yes, we all have broad knowledge to build a great invention and knowledge willing to learn more ideas and concepts. Knowing us Filipino, we have that behavior wherein we are fond on the use of modern technology especially gadgets. Truly, technology is a big help but to the point that we are being too abusive. Instead of just playing with it, why not make our time more productive and activate more our technology here in the Philippines?
Even a simple effort can help. Simple discoveries can contribute to a society to be progressive. If technology can improve your skills, then use it even just in simple way to help in the scientific and technological advancements in our community.


Reflection THE FINALE           W e came to an end of the school year and I think I have made the best I can to reach this p...