runs so fast that I didn’t even noticed that it’s already the end of our half
school year. New knowledge were made and new trials were faced. The main focus of this second grading is on about internet access and html documents. I am a bit confused on what are these at first but then I've learned about it's essence especially in this modern generation. This internet access allows us to have a faster and quicker connection in the internet, for easier browsing and gaining of information. there were also different HTML elements such as html tags. HTML is the acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a form of programming language that is used to make web pages on the internet viewable. So it can be said that it is because of HTML that web pages are interesting to look at, but the importance of HTML is often taken for granted. HTML also allows the use of templates, which makes designing a web page easy. There are advantages and also advantages of this but never the less they have role to do in this modern world.
Writing an HTML document is just encoding an article but it needs careful handling. For me, its easy at some point its hard especially if you have done wrong to your document so you need to recheck the proper tags to be used. It is an enjoyable activity that for sure you'll like.